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The Hungover Games – Rabble’s top 5 tips

In Rabble Principles by Noah

OK, it’s the new year. Got to start it right. New year, new you! But… you’ve got to get through today first…   1. Rehydrate It’s important to rehydrate after a big night out… 2. Fresh air  Make sure you get outside at some point today… 3. Quality nutrition It’s important to get at least one of your five a …

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Intercity Games Tournament and Awards Party

In Events by Noah

Our annual tournament sees Rabblers from all over the UK go head-to-head in a battle to be crowned Intercity Champions. Each team plays each other at their favourite Rabble games in a round-robin tournament, and fancy dress is highly encouraged! Congratulations to Finsbury Ark – our 2023 winners! Check out our 2023 highlights here:     In the evening, we …

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Top 5 forms of exercises for your mental health

In Other by Charlotte

It’s undisputed that exercise is good for mental health, to the extent that it’s been shown in some cases to be more effective than medication or other forms of treatment. But like all medication, of course there’s a hierarchy. Some types are better than others and it’s possible to overdose. So here’s a rundown of the best forms of exercise …

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Our biggest Intercity Games EVER!

In Events by Charlotte

The dust from last year’s Intercity Games is now all gone, and what a Games it was! The weather was perfect, we achieved a record-breaking turn out of competitors and there wasn’t one player that didn’t earn that delicious, three-course meal that followed! Lucky for you, this year we are aiming for even bigger and better! So what is it …

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MEET: Alasdair Blyth – One of our longest serving fun-makers!

In Instructor Stories by Charlotte

Who are you? I currently work with Primary school children in an after-school club and coach different sports sessions at lunchtimes in schools across Edinburgh. Basically, all I do is play games and have fun all day! I love my work! I first came across Rabble in Manchester when I went along to two of Kieran’s sessions and I absolutely loved …

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2018: Rabble’s Best Year!

In Rabble Principles by Rory Curnock Cook

Hey everyone, Charlotte here! 2018 was an amazing year for Rabble. We rocketed from our humble 4 instructors in March to over 120 licensees across the country and played over 3000 sessions. I’m truly grateful after looking back at all the fun we’ve this year, especially because all of this couldn’t have been done without you – our community. As …

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International Women’s Day Highlight: Charlotte Roach

In Rabble Principles by Rory Curnock Cook

Rabble founder Charlotte Roach has gone through many trials and tribulations both throughout her athletic career and new exercise business calling. Today’s special spotlight is on her history, experience and advice for aspiring women athletes and entrepreneurs all over the world. Tell us a little about yourself! Hi, I’m Charlotte and I’m the founder and CEO of Rabble. I am …

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5 ways to stay energised from morning to lunch

In Rabble Principles by Rory Curnock Cook

“Just like houseplants need water, our energy reserves need regular replenishing,” says psychologist Michelle Segar, PhD, associate director of the Sport, Health, and Activity Research and Policy Center for Women and Girls at the University of Michigan. To the rescue: strategies that will keep you humming along—and, happily, don’t take much effort.   1. Let there be light “Artificial or …

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MEET: Tracey Jones – 47 years young!

In Instructor Stories by Charlotte

Who are you? My name is Tracey Jones, and I’m the Instructor at Rabble Calne! In 2014 I decided that I need to do something about my ever-increasing weight. I embarked on a low-calorie diet and after six months I had lost 6.5 stone. My weight loss made me think about my career, leading to me resigning from my job …

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6 reasons why team games make you more attractive

In Other by Charlotte

It’s been music to our ears with the rapid approach to Valentine’s day that playing team games makes us more attractive. A Canadian study showed those who played a team sport over an individual pursuit were rated as more attractive. There are numerous mental, physical and social benefits to playing a team sport and strong evidence that it can also …