Manchester’s 2 Year Anniversary!

In Other by Charlotte



So it’s been 2 whole years since we kicked off Rabble’s first ever session outside of London!

We spoke with Kieran, our Manchester Instructor, about the anniversary and his thoughts…

2 years ago, Kieran came down to London to meet with Charlotte to learn a bit more about Rabble, the history and the goals. He started training to become an instructor the next weekend. We’re lucky to have someone as dedicated as he is!


Make sure you’re there for the 2 year anniversary party on September 30th!



How did you discover Rabble?

I have been with Rabble almost exactly 2 years now. After finishing my teacher training I wanted to do some summer coaching work, before going back to school. I saw the Rabble advertisement and thought it sounded awesome! Two days later Charlotte rang me asking me to meet her in Manchester to do an Instructor training day. I was hired at the end of the day and then spent 3 weekends with London Rabbler’s doing my training. I loved every minute and seeing what Rabble was all about!


What made you decide to become an instructor?

I have taught PE/ Sports in and out of school for a while now but when having my first taste of Rabble games and seeing the communities that had been built through it in London I wanted to achieve the same up here in Manchester! Rabble is totally unique and I love the philosophy and what it offers for adults!

What was running your first session like?

When doing the Rabble launch in Manchester I was nervous just hoping people turn up. After the huge success and participation numbers I had seen in London I did not want Manchester to flop! But people thankfully showed up and we had a great time. It was really exciting to be leading my first one. Had some help from Charlotte Roach though  🙂


How did you celebrate your 1 year anniversary?

1st year Manchester anniversary was an awesome day and night. We had a really fun huge rabble session in the day, later did the awards for the whole year
(which was really cool) and went out after. Tequilas were consumed!

How will you celebrate your 2 year anniversary?

Looking to book a nice venue to do it in the next couple of weeks and announce awards for our 2nd year! Exciting times  😮
Tequilas will be consumed  🙂


What has been your favourite moment in your time with the Manchester group?

Many awesome moments with our group! The best one has to be when Cheryl Wharton brought her puppy to Rabble and tried to include it in chain tag on the lead. Literally taking people out! Awesome times 🙂


What are your/ the player’s favourite games?

I personally love all games End Zone (particularly Frisbee or Vortex). Always seem to go down well here too. Gladiator Games are also really fun and also the new Foosball game!

Do you have any plans for Rabble in the future?

Rabble is an awesome company to work for and I will do whatever I can to help such an awesome company become more awesome!


Would again like to once again say a huge thank you to everyone who works very hard for Rabble and taking it to the scale it has gotten to today! Would like to thank all Rabbler’s – who make this awesome company what it is! In particular my Manchester bunch, everyone who has come down over my 2 years here! All amazing people and we always have a ball 🙂


Finally, need to thank Charlotte for firstly having such an awesome company! Also for hiring me and giving me the opportunity! Also being so supportive and making my time here so enjoyable!


It’s quite clear that the players love Rabble and Kieran too! Vicki Varosky was able to give us a little bit of an insight into her favourite things about the sessions…


What has been your favourite moment with your time at the Manchester sessions?

I’d guess one of my favourite moments at Manchester Rabble was the Halloween-themed session that Kieran put on last year. I’ve been excited that we’re coming up to Halloween again since it was so spectacular last year – just the way the zombie game was run really added to the scary Halloween feel; the rabblers who played the zombies really got into their roles and it was so much fun being half-scared, half-excited that I’ve been waiting eagerly for the past year just to play it again.


What’s your favourite thing about the Rabble?

I love Rabble because of the inclusivity. Everyone gets what they want to put in – whether it’s better fitness, competition, just the social aspect, or all three – and because it’s so flexible to each individual, it’s so much easier to have a good time.

How is Kieran as an instructor?

Kieran is a great instructor. He works hard to create a welcoming environment that supports all skill levels and as a group leader in general he sets a great example about welcoming newer people. He’s also eager to have a fun time and is happy to joke around, even if it’s at the expense of his poor maths skills :p