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Five fun and active things to keep fit this winter

In Rabble Principles by Rory Curnock Cook

Cold, dark mornings and colder, darker nights often mean leaving the comfort of your duvet/sofa is a struggle. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle to keep active during the winter months. Only the craziest of fools would brave the elements to pound the pavements or have a knock up on the outdoor tennis courts …

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Why its never too late to follow your passion to become a fitness instructor

In Industry by Rory Curnock Cook

Think it’s too late to follow your dream of becoming a fitness instructor? Think again… First up, if you’re passionate about something, you’re already halfway there! Many of us muddle through for years on end being unsure about where our passions truly lie, so figuring out what you love is half the battle – congrats! The next concern for many …

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How many minutes of exercise do you need a week?

In Industry by Charlotte

Can you believe that four in five adults in the UK and US do NOT meet the National Minimum guidelines for exercise? Those guidelines indicate that we do 150 mins of aerobic exercise per week, which isn’t that much when you think about it. So why don’t most of us meet those guidelines? Because for many exercise is a chore. …

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The Philosophy Behind Rabble

In Rabble Principles by Charlotte

Rabble is bored of boring exercise. We play games, ridiculous kids games. They are super social and different every time. But there’s a lot behind this philosophy that has been carefully designed to accumulate many benefits beyond enjoying the moment. Rabble is actually seriously good for your health. Fun – Rabble is fun. This is important. Life is difficult enough …

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Ways to improve your wellbeing in the winter

In Rabble news by Rory Curnock Cook

Let’s face it, the winter blues suck! There’s no doubt about it, come January the winter months just seem to draaag on. You know it, we know it, hey, even the cat knows it. Longing for summer seems to result in more hours spent on the sofa, but while it might be nice to stay cosy indoors, moping around will …

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Why the fitness industry sucks at building communities

In Rabble news by Charlotte

Looking to work-out in novel way and still have fun? There’s more options than ever, as group exercise quickly gains popularity in the UK. Group exercise classes are now more easily accessible and cater to all fitness goals and interests. The classes experienced high growth within the last year, with 1.1 million additional participants taking part in group exercise, according …

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Virtual Instructors & The Future of Fitness – Should instructors be worried?

In Other by Charlotte

Virtual Instructors & The Future of Fitness. Should instructors be worried?   Increasingly group exercise classes are being run by virtual instructors. There’s varying level of uptake with some operators committing to only using virtual replacements in the off peak periods, whilst others are almost completely replacing their instructor base. Reasoning behind the shift also varies from the honest – …

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Why I founded Rabble

In Rabble Principles by Charlotte

Editor note: Charlotte was the original founder of Rabble. Although she is no longer involved in the day-to-day running of the organisation, we are still very grateful of this community she originally created! Exercise was something that I always enjoyed. It was just playing with friends at break time, after school and at the weekends. Then things got serious, training …

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Ways to meet people in a new city

In Other by Charlotte

Where would we be without friends?   So you’ve moved to a new city, and you’re looking to meet people because the city is a scary place. It’s easier than you think to make some friends, all you need is a little bit of confidence and faith. Maybe a few quid too! It’s a scary thought to be completely in …

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Why repetitive exercise is a waste of energy and time

In Rabble Principles by Charlotte

Exercising for the sake of exercising? Why do we do this? It’s weird and it’s certainly not cool. We all know that for the majority of adult exercising is for aesthetics not health. And that’s what the fitness industry frequently propagates. I bet our neanderthal ancestors weren’t fretting about their post work spin session or the size of their arms. …